Well, now that you've created a Wild.io account and made some deposits at our online crypto casino, it's time to talk about all the awesome perks that come with playing your favorite crypto games at ours.

One of these perks is the Daily Rakeback which you become eligible for if you make daily deposits at Wild.io. Every day, you can get a daily rakeback on your action, no matter if you win or lose. How amazing is that?

Continue to read this Complete Guide to Casino Rakeback in 2024 and get the best out of it! Our article aims to explain in detail what’s daily rakeback in the casino industry and show how to get it and enjoy benefits associated with it.

What is a Rakeback?

Simply put, rakeback is a way of passive earning. Every bet you place at our crypto casino will bring you a certain amount of coins back, disregarding if you won or lost that bet.

Types of Rakeback

If you're interested in learning more about Rakeback, we have outlined the most important types below:

Poker Rakeback

🃏Poker Rakeback is a reward given by poker rooms to their regular players. It's calculated based on the rake players generate during their poker games. Essentially, rakeback refunds the fees charged by online poker rooms or casinos for playing poker. The amount of rakeback depends on the commission charged by the poker room. A low commission means you pay less, while a high rakeback means you'll receive a more significant portion of the commission.

Most poker providers offer points for rake and entry fees. These points can be exchanged for cash, bonus credits, or other rewards. Rakeback is the most attractive reward as it gives you money back. However, some poker rooms offer rakeback as part of their loyalty programs.

The rake charge depends on your play limit and the pot size. Typically, it ranges from $0.05 to $3 per pot.

Stake Rakeback

💰This passive earning method lets you earn rewards based on the bets you place, making your gaming experience more profitable. The percentage of Stake Rakeback varies depending on your VIP level, which you can activate. Take your gaming experience to the next level by starting your Rakeback journey today!

Dealt Rakeback

💸If you are dealt a hand while playing poker, you may be eligible for a rakeback reward. A player may receive about $2 in rakeback if they play at a table with five other players with a pot of $200. When a 30% rakeback is available, the $6 reward will be split among the players first. After the split, each player would receive approximately $2 in rakeback. Such rewards would be most beneficial for poker players with low VPIPs (Voluntary Put Money In Pot).

Progressive Rakeback

⏩Depending on how many hands you play or how much rake you pay, you will earn a percentage of the money you play in poker. This procedure favors multi-table players, whereas casual players may receive lower amounts. Playing a wide range of hands will boost your share, and paying more rake will result in greater profits.

Professional Rakeback

🤑Regarding professional rakeback, some rollers focus on playing many games even if they don't make much money from the gameplay itself. Instead, they earn most of their income through a professional rakeback. While this strategy may not work for everyone, those willing to dedicate a lot of time and energy to playing can make a profit.

How to calculate Rakeback?

Estimate your rake and rakeback benefits with the Rakeback Calculator! Wondering how? First, input your information for each category, including game type, simultaneous tables, weekly play time, and rakeback percentage, then clickCalculate.

This calculator can determine the expected daily, weekly, and monthly rakeback payouts by entering the necessary amounts.

How is our Daily Rakeback calculated?

Our Daily Rakeback is calculated as a percentage of the house edge for the real-money wagering done during 24 hours.

In other words, your bets today will earn you a rakeback the next day. However, remember that the rakeback can't be accumulated, so if you don't activate it the same day you received it, it will expire. You snooze, you lose!

How to get Rakeback?

We previously discussed how Daily Rakeback is calculated on Wild.io. Let's now take a closer look at the procedure of how to get the Daily Rakeback on the same popular online crypto casino.

Trust us. It’s easy!

  1. Make a deposit and play during the day. You don’t need to opt in for the Daily Rakeback. You just need to qualify for it, by wagering a minimum of $10 ( or currency equivalent) of real-money between 00:00 to 23:59 UTC.
  2. The next day you will automatically receive a percentage of your real-money wagers. The rakeback is issued daily between 00:00 and 1:00 UTC.
  3. Based on your VIP Club level, you can receive:

Levels 1-6

1% Daily Rakeback

Levels 7-9

2% Daily Rakeback

Levels 10-11

3% Daily Rakeback

Levels 12-14

4% Daily Rakeback

Levels 15-19

5% Daily Rakeback

Levels 20-23

6% Daily Rakeback

Levels 24-25

7% Daily Rakeback

Levels 26-27

8% Daily Rakeback

Levels 28-29

9% Daily Rakeback

Level 30

10% Daily Rakeback

4. The maximum Daily Rakeback you can obtain varies based on your VIP Club level, as follows:

5. The wagering requirement for this bonus is 3x and must be done only on slot games.

The wagering requirements for the rakeback bonus should be met within 24 hours. If not, the bonus and all the winnings received from wagering it will be forfeited.

6. Repeat every day to make sure you keep getting the rakeback bonus.

Best Rakeback Deals in 2024

As a result of our research, we found that the best rakeback pokerstars deals are available on several websites. However, Wild.io takes the top spot, offering the best promotion, bonus, and rakeback deal in 2024.

See for yourself at Worldpokerdeals.com, a website that provides a comprehensive overview of the top poker rooms offering the biggest rakeback deals and detailed instructions on calculating your total commission return.

In light of our in-depth analysis, here are the top 3:

  1. Wild.io
  2. BetOnline Poker
  3. GGPoker

Take advantage of these resources in order to maximize your winnings and poker-playing experience. We strongly suggest the first option due to its trustworthy reputation for offering the most profitable rakeback deal in 2024.

Frequently Asked Questions:

What is Rakeback?

When a poker room refunds a player's rake, the money the room took from the player is called rakeback. Since players bet against each other, not against the house, poker rooms make their money only through rake. In most cases, poker rooms charge about 5% of the pot size as a rake. Signing up through specific websites allows you to save up to 30% on your poker rake, which can help you save on poker expenses.

How does Rakeback work?

Rakeback can be a great way for players to make extra money while playing their favorite game. This Rakeback works by offering download links and referral codes to the software of online poker rooms, which they then add rakeback to as an added service.

You can play poker at any poker room of your choice and watch your daily rakeback accumulate once your rakeback poker account is set up. Depending on the poker room, rakeback is automatically paid to your poker account every week or month.

What is a good Rakeback?

A good Rakeback deal offers players a high percentage of the rake, clear terms and no hidden fees, regular payments, game selection, a reliable platform, friendly customer service, and additional perks. To identify the most competitive deals, comparing offers across multiple platforms is important. It is also essential to consider factors such as gaming experience, traffic, and game selection.

Where can I get a Daily Rakeback?

Several websites, including Wild.io, provide Daily Rakeback options. Those interested in signing up for rakeback or monitoring their bankroll might carefully read the Terms and Conditions.

To wrap it up

Well, thanks to these insights, we hope you now understand how rakeback works and have the confidence to claim rewards at the best rakeback casino!

We’ve reached the end of our how-to article, and you now know how to get the Daily Rakeback at Wild.io! Stay tuned, as next time, we’ll learn about the Weekly Cashback!

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